Embroidery in our lives is becoming more and more popular. We use it in different spheres and manifestations, trying to decorate our house and clothes, create a unique and original style.
Practically for every woman, the kitchen is a kind of personal space. That is why she tries to decorate it somehow specially, unusually and originally. Our site of machine embroidery has many collections, one of which is the category Food and Kitchen embroidery designs.
Food and Kitchen embroidery designs will help interestingly decorate the kitchen interior and add to it a special comfort.
The collection is constantly renewed with unique and simply magnificent designs, which we made with the using of secret and complex techniques. Embroidery of such bright colorful designs will undoubtedly bring you pleasure and will please your guests and friends.
The bright and sweet highlight of the collection Food and Kitchen embroidery designs are Cupcake Embroidery Designs.
These designs are among the bestsellers and appreciated by our customers for their attractive appearance and variety of colors.
Our online embroidery store offer you some ideas for using these cute Cupcake Embroidery Designs.
First, you can embroider such designs on your apron. Since aprons are now very popular as a basis for embroidery and are simply useful in the kitchen, such a decision will be correct and appropriate.
In order to embroider such designs on the apron you need:
– The cloth. Typically, for this purpose, take a twill or denim fabric.
Advice: Choose cotton twill. It is easy to clean, does not require special attention and has high wear resistance.
– The cupcake design from our online embroidery store
– Cut-away stabilizer
– The glue of a temporary fixation
– An air-erase pen or chalk
– Ready-made sewn apron (as it will be easier to determine the place of embroidery on the finished product).
Machine Embroidery Design Christmas dessert
First, you need to print a template that goes to each of the designs. It contains a printed design in full size. In addition, it has marked center, as well as the direction of embroidery along the X and Y axes. Attach this file to the apron in the part where the embroidery will be. Usually embroidery is applied from the top, retreating 3-4 centimeters from the edge. Mark the center point, and the direction of the axis with the help of a chalk or air-erase pen.
Spray the glue of a temporary fixation onto the stabilizer, and glue the fabric to it. Hoop the fabric together with the stabilizer so that the marked points of the axes on the fabric are equal with the marks on the embroidery frame. Check that the fabric is flat and not wrinkled. Otherwise, the embroidery will not be correct. Place the embroidery frame in the machine, checking the position of the needle. It should be in the center of the embroidery you have marked.
Gently gather the rest of the fabric of the apron so that it does not fall under the needle. Embroider the design. Then cut off the extra stabilizer, retreating 1-2 cm from the embroidery.
Colorful and beautiful embroidery is ready.
Machine Embroidery Design Cupcake
Secondly, you can decorate with gorgeous and sweet cakes kitchen towels.
Since waffle towels for the kitchen are now becoming more popular, we will tell you how to put embroidery on it in order to give it more originality and unusualness.
For embroidery such designs on wafer towels we recommend to take:
– The fabric itself or ready-made towels
– Middle self-adhesive cut-off stabilizer
– Thin water-soluble stabilizer
– Design for embroidery
Since such a fabric can shrink after the first washing, we recommend wash it before embroidering. Since the fabric is soft and elastic, it is better to use a medium-weight cut-off stabilizer. It will help to prevent the fabric from puckering and embroidery will last longer. Moreover, since the material has depressions, it is necessary to use a thin water-soluble stabilizer on top. This is to ensure that the embroidery does not “fall through” into the fabric. For example, you can take Madeira Avalon Ultra or Sulky Ultra Solvy.
More information about cut-away and water-soluble stabilizers you can found in our Embroidery Library
In the beginning, you need to choose the correct way of stabilization. To do this, glue the cut-away stabilizer to the fabric, and thin water-soluble stabilizer on top. This type of hooping is called sandwich.
Hoop the fabric with the stabilizers in the embroidery frame and embroider the design using the 75/11 needle. After embroidery, remove the water-soluble stabilizer. Then trim the excess cut-off stabilizer.
Marvelous embroidery is ready.
Royal Present is not just an online embroidery store. We invest in our designs all imagination, warmth and love.
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Author: Ludmila Konovalova
My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.
Date: 18.03.2018