Espadrilles are summer fabric sneakers, which are performed on a dense rope sole, made of natural material. It is better to wear it on your bare feet. The origin of this kind of shoes is Spain. This shoe will be a good item for walking and traveling. It is very light, free and does not cause any inconveniences.
Today Espadrilles are very popular, and are appreciated by many men and women for their comfort. You can buy espadrilles from any shoe store. However, for needle workers and lovers of everything unique and original, we offer a more interesting option – to make embroidered espadrilles. The most important thing is that for this you do not need any extra expensive materials. The most important thing in this sewing is the sole and embroidery designs for sale – in embroidering, and the fabric can be chosen almost from many dense natural ones.
Therefore, for example, PRYM company offers to its clients everything for the making it. You can read more about their products by visiting their official website.
Sunflowers Espadrilles Machine Embroidery Pattern – 4 sizes
Note: we do not advertise for money PRYM`s products, but simply name it as an example. If you find products for sewing this type of footwear of another manufacturer, you can also use it.
Sunflowers Espadrilles Machine Embroidery Pattern is an excellent solution for embroidery on such shoes. It combines brightness, originality and undoubtedly pleases the eye. Taking care of our customers, we divided in this case the sizes of our designs according to the size of the shoes.
Therefore, to get such original espadrilles you need to follow the correct sequence. First, we will designate the main stages of the making process, and then proceed to their detailed description.
Stages of creating embroidered espadrilles with our embroidery designs for sale
~ Embroidery of all patterns that are the parts of one design (two-foot sections and two heel sections).
~ Transferring printed pattern
~ Sewing Espadrilles.
To perform all the tasks you need:
~ Special soles for espadrilles (for example, firm PRYM)
~ Paper patterns of details (firm PRYM supplies them to each sole product)
~ Fabric for espadrilles. In this case, Baft fabric or Moleskin is ideal.
~ Cut-away adhesive stabilizer
~ Sunflowers Espadrilles Machine Embroidery Pattern
~ Thick thread and needle. It is best to take a special needle for sewing the soles (PRYM`s company production).
Stage 1. Glue with an iron a cut-away adhesive stabilizer to the fabric. Hoop the fabric together with the stabilizer in the embroidery frame to embroider the design of the left and right foot sections. Then, repeat the same steps for embroidery on the heel sections (left and right). When all parts are embroidered, you can proceed to pattern the details.
Stage 2. It is very convenient that the firm PRYM provides such printed sewing patterns to all sole products. Take these paper patterns. Since the sewing patterns of the foot and heel sections are on the same sheet, make a copy. Then cut out each of them and transfer the pattern to a fabric with embroidery. To do this, attach a paper pattern to the fabric. Check that you have not confused anything, left pattern – to the left embroidery, right – to the right.
Circle the outline of the pattern, not forgetting about seam allowances. It is better to make a backing for espadrilles. It will improve not only the quality of shoes and its performance characteristics, but also help to hide the underside of the embroidery and emphasize it by contrast. The lining can be made from the same cotton fabric with only a different color (for example, red or orange). However, at the same time, we recommend taking the fabric softer and slightly thinner than the embroidered base. It will be more comfortable for the leg. In addition, embroidery even more compacts the fabric. This can lead to a problem with sewing the fabric to the sole.
Therefore, to make such backing, you must again apply a paper pattern, circle the contour and trim, taking into account the seam allowances. Then sew two parts – the top with embroidery and the bottom – with a different color. More details on how to make a lining can be found in the video instruction that we offer in the design`s description.
Stage 3. In the third stage, it is necessary to sew espadrilles. To do this, see the detailed video instruction on our website, or on the official website or channel of PRYM on YouTube.
Have a nice work. If you follow these instructions correctly, you can cope with this task quite easily. For this, you need to have only minimal sewing and machine embroidery skills and a desire to create. Sunflowers Espadrilles Machine Embroidery Pattern from our embroidery designs for sale collection will help you create exclusive shoes in just a couple of hours.
This product may be used to create limited products for sale. Bulk product manufacturing is not permitted.
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Author: Ludmila Konovalova
My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.
Date: 18.04.2018