Sleep mask, or as it also called “eye pillow” are now very popular. If earlier it was a sign of spoiling, now, they are just a necessity. Remember, you have often seen in Hollywood movies how rich people dressed masks on their eyes before going to bed. Earlier it seemed to us a rich fad, but in fact, it is a sign of taking care of your health.
What is the using of such sleep masks? First, such eye pillows prevent many diseases, and even tumors. Secondly, such a mask stops the flow of light pulses into the brain. After all, many doctors and researchers say that people need to sleep in total darkness.
In the hoop Machine Embroidery Design Sleep Mask Predator
Size: 89.1×177.9 mm (3.51×7.00 “), Stitches: 23941
Formats: .dst, .jef, .pec, .vip, .hus, .pes, .sew, .exp, .dat, vp3, xxx
Often, such masks are sold in the same color, or with using any decorative elements. Nevertheless, we suggest you create your original sleeping mask with in the hoop embroidery designs.
You can make it with the help of a special technique for machine embroidery in Hoop. This technique is the production of the whole product, including embroidery in the right in the hoop. In the Hoop Machine embroidery design Sleep Mask Predator is specially designed and programmed for this. It allows you to create an unusual, original and interesting sleep mask. Now we will tell you how to do it.
So, in order to get such a mask without removing fabric from the hoop you will need:
~ Black fabric for a mask, for example, cotton
~ Cut-away stabilizer
~ A glue of a temporary fixation
~ Textile tape with a width of 1.18 Inches of suitable color
~ In the Hoop Machine embroidery design Sleep Mask Predator from in the hoop embroidery designs collection
Please note that we offer our customers appropriate options without sewing patterns and spending a lot of time. Because each of us strives for clarity and simplicity. This will create a slipping mask even for beginners. Therefore, if you do not have much experience, you still should not be afraid. All of you can do it. This is why we create instructions for the using of our in the hoop embroidery designs.
First, you need to stabilize the fabric. For this use, a cut-away stabilizer and a glue of a temporary fixation. Spray the glue onto the stabilizer, attach the fabric and hoop it together. Put the embroidery frame in the machine and embroider the design. As soon as you see that, the machine has finished embroidering first contour stop the process. Remove the embroidery frame from the machine and attach the tape to the place where it should be. Top with the same black base fabric. Therefore, you do not need to do any unnecessary processes. The machine, embroidering the contour, will attach the ribbons to the fabric. It is simple. The hole through which it will be necessary to turn out the fabric is also provided. You just have to turn the mask through the hole on the front side, iron it well and then sew it with a thread of black in a secret seam, and nobody will notice.
Thus, using the In the Hoop Machine embroidery design Sleep Mask Predator, you can easily create a useful, and, most importantly, an original mask in a short time.
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Author: Ludmila Konovalova
My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.
Date: 17.04.2018