This magnificent and colorful border for machine embroidery is able to decorate any product. Its gentle pink roses will give your image femininity, lightness and tenderness. In addition, borders are now very popular in embroidery and. Many needlewomen like them for their multi functionality. After all, you embroider borders anywhere you want: on clothes, home textiles, pillows, towels, kitchen items, napkins and tablecloths, bed linens and even curtains. It all depends on your imagination and creativity.
Do not be afraid that your embroidered borders will not be smooth. If you follow all the rules of embroidery and properly stabilize the fabric, everything will turn out well.
We will tell you how to set up the process of embroidering an endless border and how to embroider Machine embroidery design Garden Roses Border on the usual hoop. In addition, we will tell you how to embroider this gorgeous and delicate curb on special Endless hoop.
We suggest embroidering the Machine embroidery design Garden Roses Border along the bottom of the white skirt. In combination with this color, it will look great. You will be able to wear such a skirt both for everyday outfits in casual style, and for a more festive version in smart style. It all depends on in items you will combine with it.
Machine embroidery design Garden Roses Border
Formats: .dst, .pec, .vip, .hus, .pes, .exp, dat, jef, .vp3, xxx
Therefore, in order to embroider this design on the front and back of the skirt it is necessary to follow these instructions.
First, measure the length of the skirt in width from one side and the other. It is necessary to know how many times the design will be repeated. Then find the printed design template in the information file and print it. It is a sheet of paper with the image of the design in full size, together with the marked center and the directions of the axes lines. Place paper patterns on the bottom of the skirt so that they fit snugly together. Remember that before this you need to retreat from the edge of the skirt needed distance (from 0.9 to 1.5 inches). To do this, postpone the printouts, measure this distance from the edge in several places along the length of the skirt, and place the dots with an erasable marker. Connect all points to one straight line. It will be the hub for your templates.
Now you need to transfer the centers of each template to the fabric. To do this, place vertical lines in the required places. Connect the dashes you put for each template in one line. These lines will be used for the hooping.
The next step is to carry out the correct stabilization of the fabric. To do this, select the correct type of stabilizer according to your fabric and hoop it together. Remember that the lines on the fabric and on the embroidery frame must match. Load the hoop frame in the machine and embroider the first design. Then unhoop the tissue and remove the excess stabilizer. Repeat these steps to embroider other flowers of this roses online embroidery design.
Note: when you will embroider the second or the next rose, it may be that the already finished previous design falls into the area of the hoops. This is normal, since roses are closely located to each other. Do not worry; the embroidery frame will not damage it.
It was a variant of embroidery on ordinary hoops. Now we will talk about the embroidery of this roses online embroidery design on the Endless hoop.
Endless hoop is a special device for embroidering endless borders. It go as an extra accessory to each embroidery machine. In order to purchase such suitable endless hoop frames for borders that are suitable for your embroidery machine, visit the official website of the manufacturer.
So, how to embroider with these hoops? Now we will tell you.
At the beginning, attach the necessary amount of design to the fabric and mark each of the embroidery centers with an air-erase pen. Such a printed template is important and necessary, since the Machine embroidery design Garden Roses Border does not have a logical docking or marks of the beginning and ending of the embroidery. In this case, the printed pattern will help you to embroider an endless border.
By placing printed patterns on the fabric, you can easily dock the design for embroidering an endless border. Then you need to blanch the fabric in the endless hoop. Check that the marks of the axes line on the fabric converge with the marks on the hoop.
Load the embroidery frame in the machine so that the needle is in the center of the first part of the roses online embroidery design. Download the design and embroider a rose. Next, open the embroidery frame and move it to the place where the needle begins to embroider the second flower. Repeat these steps until you finish embroidering the border.
Note: for designs with a logical docking or with the beginning and ending marks of embroidery, embroidering along with the Endless hoop is much easier.
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Author: Ludmila Konovalova
My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.
Date: 12.04.2018