Cute Easter Baskets, easy and delicious Easter treats, beautiful Easter centerpieces… If typing those things into your search bar has become part of your daily routine, than Easter season’s almost here. As time flies quickly – what with decoration of eggs, houses and so on, pressure might have already started to tell. But fear not, Royal Present Embroidery is here to take some of the load off your shoulders. With our Easter embroidery patterns you’ll check several boxes at once. Decoration of interiors and festive tablescapes, ideas for gifts and smart outfit adornment – embroidery patterns created by our designers can do all these and even more. Browse our Easter design and get inspired for the best celebration of spring!
So, Easter is around the corner but holiday décor of your home isn’t quite up to the proper celebrative par. To bring it up to your standards first you need to ask the following question. Do you want to make this year Easter holiday season all about elegance and chic? If yes, than forget all those adorable bunnies, sweet jelly beans and cute marshmallow-y peeps. If the expected holiday pieces aren’t enough for an aristocrat like yourself, than you definitely need Faberge Egg Embroidery Design. Inspired by fabulous creations of Carl Faberge, one of the most famous goldsmiths of Russian emperors, this Easter egg is a gem in all of the senses of the word. Borrow from flawless style of the great master and enjoy Easter like a true royalty!
Faberge Egg Embroidery Design – 3 sizes
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Refined, sophisticated and oh-so-very eye catching, Faberge Egg Embroidery Design is a motif of Easter at its finest. Use it when making Easter gifts or their wrappings to fill the most glorious Easter baskets ever. Make household textiles into a gorgeously unique and wonderfully handy gift, decorating them with Faberge Egg patterns. A simple set of towels, napkins – you name it, anything incrusted with such a marvelous gem becomes a wonderful present for the upcoming celebration of Easter. With three sizes available you’ll easily coordinate the needed one to the scale of your next Easter project. With just few minutes of your time and only six changes of threads you’ll get a result feat for the kings. You won’t want to hide an Easter egg of such style, so instead, display it as much as you can.
Composition of Faberge inspired Easter egg with lilies of the valley is more than just a gift-worthy one. Artful combination of dainty botanics and lavish stylization of baroque ornamentation makes it an absolutely gorgeous tablescape garnish. Stately and smart, such addition to Easter brunch menu will impress even most demanding guests. If your table is already set, then Faberge Egg embroidery pattern can be used in elsewhere interior decoration. Uncover the beauty of your old sofa with few accent pillows, embroidered with Faberge Egg motives. If royal purple, used in this pattern, is not quite your color, browse the entire Faberge collection to find a perfect match to your liking. In various colors and stylistic adaptations, new Faberge eggs patterns are constantly enriching the set.
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Machine Embroidery Design Faberge Egg – 3 sizes

Author: Ludmila Konovalova
My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.
Date: 04.02.2018