At the mention of Fabergé name the first thing that comes to mind is a precious egg of extraordinary beauty. Of course, it was not the one, each of them was an example of the highest craftsmanship of jewelry. The entire series consisted of 71 original products, which over a period of about 30 years were made by Carl Fabergé.
Every one of the priceless and world-famous eggs required nearly a year to design and implement. The first of them appeared by order of the ruling at that time Alexander III, who wished to please his beloved wife in honor of the Easter celebrations.
Externally, it was quite simple, covered with white enamel for maximum similarity with the original. Inside it contained a surprise: a golden “yolk”, and in it – a chicken, which in its turn concealed a miniature Imperial crown in diamonds. The principle of nesting dolls was maintained in other works from this series. But each egg was different from the previous one, unique, existing only in a single copy.
Machine Embroidery Design Faberge Egg – 3 sizes
Formats: .pes, .pec, .hus, .vip, .dst, .exp, .sew, .dat, .vp3, xxx, dat, tab
After the revolution the egg “Lilies of the valley” was confiscated by the new government along with other treasures of the Romanovs. In 1927 it was sold abroad and returned home only in 2004, after 77 years. Now it is exhibited in one of St. Petersburg’s museums. On our website you can purchase a wonderful copy, as exactly this brainchild of the renowned jewelry workshop was taken as a prototype for the Machine Embroidery Design Faberge Egg.
This gorgeous pattern will emphasize the high quality of your textiles and will create an atmosphere of luxury. Without which it is impossible to imagine the masterpieces of the eminent Russian jeweler. Place the FABERGÉ EGG on the product you want to highlight among the rest. Be ready to tell its story to the guests of your home.
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Author: Ludmila Konovalova
My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.
Date: 14.04.2017