Pay attention to the novelty in the collection of embroideries! Stylish Applique machine embroidery design Scottie Dog will decorate any thing or an object. This design becomes relevant in anticipation of the coming 2018. According to the Chinese horoscope this year will be passing under the sign of the Dog. Eastern wise people recommend enhancing its beneficial influence by an image of the year patron.
That’s why computer embroidery designs for a machine with dog’s image gain great popularity. The year of the Dog will begin on February 18, 2018. By this time it is recommended to decorate your own things with this image. Besides, it is necessary to prepare gifts for the family with a symbol of the coming year.
Those who won’t manage to do this till this specified date, shouldn’t be upset. There is one more date of approaching New Year. In the day of the vernal equinox the Sun is entering the zodiac sign of the Aries. This moment is recognized as the beginning of a new astrological year. Astrological year is a roundabout of the Sun on the Zodiac cycle from the sign of the Aries to the sign of Fishes.
Applique Machine Embroidery Design Scottie Dog
Size: 128.4×159.6 mm (5.06×6.28 “), Stitches: 7071
Size: 138.4×172.1 mm (5.45×6.78 “), Stitches: 7685
Size: 71.8×135.6 mm (2.83×5.34 “), Stitches: 6685
Formats: .dst, .jef, .pec, .vip, .hus, .pes, .exp, .sew, .dat, .vp3, xxx
On this very day the Earth is in a powerful energy stream. Wise people claim that desires and wishes come true at this moment. Therefore, you have an opportunity to get ready to meet this astrological new year. Just pick up one of the designs and the gifts for loved ones are almost ready.
The Applique machine embroidery design Scottie Dog complemented with sincere wishes will become a good gift. The offered pattern can become an independent gift or an addition to the main gift.For example, it can be placed, as shown in the picture, on a stylish bag. The gift will surely please a young fashionable girl or woman. Besides the inscription “Life is short! Bite hard!” accompanying the applique, creates an additional drive.
The inscription allows to use applique without binding to New Year’s holidays. It will be appropriate for a birthday gift and other events in the life of a young girl. The embroidered applique will be an appropriate addition on light clothes of a guy.
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Author: Ludmila Konovalova
My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.
Date: 12.12.2017