Glorious flowers, swaying their silky petals with every light kiss of a balmy breeze, have been adored by people and gods since the dawn of times. Little summery enchanters, these blossoms inspired heroes, artists, poets and writers with their almost magical powers and otherworldly beauty. Poppies are most patient blooms of the entire floral kingdom, for they can wait for decades for their precious friend. The Sun, to unravel their unique bountiful bloom. That is why ancient Persians believed this flower to be the symbol of true love, for only wholehearted feelings can endure the toll of time.
Machine Embroidery Design Tea cup floral composition lavishes us with most gorgeous display of luscious efflorescence. Now grace with their royal presence a charming amethystine throne with golden incrustation. Delicateness of the teacup design wonderfully highlights the magnificent colors and shapes of the flamboyant bouquet. Flowering enormous rubies are crowned at their hearts with an elegant agate coronet, sophisticated and regal. Nature was truly generous with these flowers, showering them with all the treasures imaginable. Petals of an exquisite grandeur ranging from intense passionate red to tender lavender kisses, leaves and fronds of whimsical charm scintillating with radiant emerald hues, – all the beautiful abundance of Creation.
Machine Embroidery Design Teacup floral composition
Size: 130.0×145.0 mm (5.12×5.71 “), Stitches: 37058
Formats: pes, .pec, .hus, .vip, .dst, .exp, .sew, .dat, .vp3, .jef, xxx
The embroidery does true justice to the fragrant gems, capturing their efflorescent panache in the most subtle way. Stitching arrangement shows each tiny vein and curve in the fronds and petals’ ensemble. Gentle flow of thread strokes in the sumptuous petals of the blooms invites to touch the tender silky pads, just to make sure the illusion is real.
This Machine Embroidery Design Teacup floral composition can become a wonderful wall decorative accent for your home. Floral accessories of such refinement and taste will enhance any interior style, infusing the feel of the room with fragrance of natural freshness with a fine touch of romanticism. Exquisite flowers, blooming on the wall near your favorite armchair. These opulent poppies, accompanied by anemones, peonies and hydrangeas. Will magically transport you into blithe fairytale meadows, where uplifting ambience of delightful redolence of blossoming gems will permeate every speckle of your being. Pure joy and relaxation from contemplating your own. Handmade Garden of Eden will surely elate the mood, making everything look wonderfully vibrant.
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Author: Ludmila Konovalova
My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.
Date: 12.12.2016