Mysterious realms of lands afar, where treasures are hidden in caves and beauties are kept in high towers, gave birth to most mesmerizing ornaments known to men. Articulation of intricate swirls and movement of curvy lines resemble alluring wordings of time forgotten fairy tales, told by a cunning enchantress to sweeten a cruel sultan. Entangled tunes of those exotic fables, cherished even by kings, inspired motives of Machine Embroidery Design Eastern border.
Multifarious elegance of this design is described as sophisticated dance of meandering fronds, bedecked with gentle flowers and scalloping of coiled leaves, stirred by the melody of divine arrangement of never ending filigree. Imagination could not fathom ethereal beauty of this noble design, embroidered on softness of fabric. In its beauty, the pattern is parallel to the refined trail of regal raiment of some unearthly fairy, which with her magical waffs wakes languid buds into gorgeous flowers, lavishing them with color and scent.
Machine Embroidery Design Eastern border
Hoop Size: 130x180mm ≈5.1 x 7 inches & 200×200 mm ≈7.9 x 7.9 inches
Formats: .dst, .jef, .pec, .vip, .hus, .pes, .exp, .sew, .dat. vp3, xxx, art
A reciprocal pattern of gracefully bowing branches and curvy tendrils repeat each other like sways of sea waves, singing exotic lullaby of oriental fantasy. Bigger flowers, shaped like aigrettes of miniature arabesques, guide the rhythm of repetition; smaller florets, mirroring gentle bloom of cherry trees, are there to cheer the mode.
Colors of this magnificent Machine Embroidery Design Eastern border are regal. Two echoes of heavenly refinement play with the dimensional contrast of swirling elements, deepening to the dark blue. When the curve is diving and lightening when it jumps above. White gentleness of flowers makes the openwork of swerves more ethereal. Aurification of sunshine drops, besprinkled on the winding motive, enamels it with royal splendor.
This glorious design cascades its refined rays to textile items of every manner. Decorative elements of bedrooms or dining rooms will shine to their most advantage if embellished by this curvilinear pattern. Items of clothing and clothes accessories transgress their nature, coming to relate more to jewelry than wear. If graced by sumptuous lines of this design. Any linen set, intended as a gift, when garnished by such magical design, would be truly adored.
Machine Embroidery Design Eastern border could be wonderfully accompanied by various frames for initials and monograms. Providing bright opportunity to personalize any fabric item in a luxurious style.
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Author: Ludmila Konovalova
My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.
Date: 05.10.2016