Machine Embroidery Design Silhouette Cupids holding a LOVE Banner from our valentine machine embroidery designs is a simple and unusual at the same time. It has an amazing ability to positively influence the emotional mood of a person, adjust it to a romantic note, and feel the magic of pure love. Have you ever thought about Cupid’s image? What does it mean? Where did it come from? Why it so deeply rooted in our lives?
In ancient Roman mythology, Cupid is the God of love. There is an interesting legend. Ostensibly, a thousand years ago there lived a king and had three daughters, who throughout the world were famous for their incomparable beauty. The youngest of them was called Psyche, she was so beautiful that men called her, not Venus, The Goddess of Beauty and offered to give her all the honors. Learning about this, Venus decided to prove to the insolent that the girl is mortal and cannot be worshiped as a Goddess. She ordered her son Cupid to kill a young beauty. Smearing arrows with poison, he went to the palace where the girl slept. Seeing Psyche, Cupid was so impressed by her beauty that swore he would never offend her, but, on the contrary, would be an eternal servant.
Machine Embroidery Design Silhouette Cupids holding a LOVE Banner
Size: 126.4×48.4 mm (4.98×1.91 “), Stitches: 11942
Formats: .dst, .jef, .pec, .vip, .hus, .pes, .exp, .sew, .dat, xxx
When Venus found out that Psyche was alive, she brought the poor girl to despair. She jumped from the mountain, but Cupid rescued her and moved to a castle. Soon they fell in love, and Cupid offered his hand and heart. True, he asked never to try to see his face; Psyche swore not to do it. Every night they lived like spouses, and Psyche spent the day alone.
Seeing how his wife misses home, Cupid allowed Psyche to meet with his sisters. Those in turn envied Psyche and decided to teach her that her husband was a terrible monster, and therefore did not show his appearance and advised when Cupid fell asleep, lit a lamp and killed a terrible monster. Psyche, when her husband fell asleep, lit a candle, saw a beautiful young man, and fell in love with him even more. At that time, a drop of a burning candle fell on Cupid’s shoulder and burned it. Waking up in pain, he said that he could never be again with Psyche and flew away. The girl was looking for her lover for a long time. Mother of Cupid Venus, seeing the suffering of her son, took pity on the couple, and the day of their reunion, called the Day of Lovers.
We told you a romantic story so that you more often told to your half about your feelings, understood, appreciated, and respected your love. Moreover, to perpetuate your strong feelings, and create your own guardian of love, we suggest using our Machine Embroidery Design Silhouette Cupids holding a LOVE Banner. It is so cute and elegant that your half will definitely like it.
In addition, you can use our others valentine machine embroidery designs.
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Author: Ludmila Konovalova
My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.
Date: 23.01.2016