The colourful Circle Autumn Leaves Machine Embroidery Design is able to decorate many things. First, it may contain any necessary color in its structure. It gives the chance to combine perfectly a thing with other accessories. Secondly, the round shape and a variety of the sizes allow to place it beautifully on a product. Thirdly, knowing about the colour’s affect on people, you can intentionally influence on the surrounding by means of embroidery.
How colours affect people
Certainly, colour causes various reactions. Long ago, scientists and psychologists noticed that color can calm or irritate, stimulate activity. If you adhere to this view, then choose the necessary colours for your embroidery. For example:
1. orange — invigorates, adds energy;
2. green — gives force, calms, removes stress;
3. blue — cools, adds confidence;
4. violet — surrounds with mysticism;
5. yellow — rises optimism, promotes intellectual activities;
6. white — colour of purity and celebration, tunes to romantic, lyrical mood;
7. blue — symbolizes serenity, lowers the level of uneasiness and aggression.
Circle Autumn Leaves Machine Embroidery Design
Formats: .dst, .pec, .hus, .vp3, .jef, .pes, .exp, .sew, .dat, xxx, tab, vip
Our Circle Autumn Leaves Machine Embroidery Design allows to choose colours necessary to you. Its seven main colour threads can be changed in dependence of mood or need. You can create your own palette if you are fond of psychology and embroidery.
To decorate things with embroidery
Machine embroidery gives ample opportunities for creation of beautiful things. In ancient times the embroidered works demanded a long time and were labor-consuming. Today, to make an ornament imitating a handwork, you only have to do some steps:
– to choose a design;
– to load a file into your computer;
– to pick up the necessary colours of thread, a tambour and a stabilizer;
– to make a trial design on the fabric, close in density to your product;
– accurately mark the initial point of the embroidery;
– to start performance of the design.
It is necessary to remember that some types of fabrics and styles of embroidery demand a correct stabilizer. Otherwise the density of some embroideries can pull fabric of your product together. For example, at alternation of long and short stitches causes this, especially on thing fabrics.
The Circle Autumn Leaves Machine Embroidery Design will be suitable for any season. They can decorate house textiles which will please and add colours to the dwelling in winter and in summer. It combines with other accessories due to its form and color scale.
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Author: Ludmila Konovalova
My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.
Date: 28.09.2018