At all times, the dominant place in the decor was occupied by flowers. These mysterious and beautiful gifts of nature have always admired people with their kind, because it is quite natural that we wish to decorate everything with flowers. These creations in our time exist in our interior in many forms: living and artificial plants, paintings, applications. Of course, we should not forget about machine embroidery, which also offers a fairly large and diverse range of machine embroidery flowers.
One of them is the Geranium Machine Embroidery Design. It should definitely be in your house, because this fairy flower is made between the others. Magnificent geranium with its wide leaves and a thin stem creates an incredible composition that looks bright, unusual and refined. Such embroidery will be a wonderful tool for transforming the boring environment.
Refresh the decor in the kitchen, adding this pattern to curtains, tablecloths or kitchen towels. Any object that seems to you devoid of romance and grace, will immediately acquire these qualities thanks to an attractive flower. Just imagine how comfortable meals for you and your family will be when elegant machine embroideries with geraniums stand on the table or somewhere nearby.
Geranium machine embroidery design
Formats: .dst, .pec, .vip, .hus, .pes, .exp, dat, jef, .vp3, xxx, tab
You can also bring more comfort and aesthetic filling to the living room. The same tablecloth or curtains can be freely placed in this room. Another great option to add a Geranium Machine Embroidery Design on pillows or blankets, or even better to create a kit immediately. In a pair, these objects, perfected with such a wonderful machine embroidery flowers, will become like a real art objects. They will delight the eye and give admiration not only to the residents of the house, but also to its guests.
If desired, you can create even a whole set of bed linen, which will decorate your sleep. You will certainly enjoy sleeping on this bed, because you personally make some efforts to create it. And you will have an occasion for pride, because by your efforts you will bring something absolutely unique to your bedroom, and that is no less beautiful.
Be sure to pay attention to this wonderful design with Geranium, because it really deserves. There are interwoven singularity, grace and preservation of traditions. Using this embroidery will undoubtedly bring you aesthetic pleasure by transforming your interior.
Council for the using of design:
Carefully refer to the embroidery technology of this design. Despite the fact that it is not made in the technique of shadow satin stitch, we nevertheless contributed to the creation of it our unique settings against the puckering. At the same time, you should carefully consider the choice of fabric and stabilizer to prevent both critical and minimal tightening of the fabric.
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Author: Ludmila Konovalova
My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.
Date: 08.07.2018