Still our ancestors put on clothes different drawings. Moreover, if earlier it took a lot of time and attention to do this, then with the development of machine embroidery, you can create something original in a couple of hours.
Beautiful Pansies Machine embroidery design is a composition of delicate, simple and at the same time attractive flowers, each of which has its own symbolism and meaning.
For example, the flower of Pansies is very attractive and many people see in its form a heart, or a butterfly. One flower consists of five petals and has a beautiful gentle color. Legends and poems are devoted to the Pansies. Besides this flower attracts love, raises sexuality, helps to endure separation and adds confidence in achievements. Pansies symbolize love, family, and happiness. Chamomile, in turn, symbolizes love, peace, kindness, tenderness.
Beautiful Pansies Machine Embroidery Design
Size: 86.2×99.6 mm (3.39×3.92 “), Stitches: 10037
Formats: .dst, .jef, .pec, .vip, .hus, .pes, .exp, .sew, .dat, xxx, vp3
If you want to emphasize all these qualities, surround yourself with a light, not obtrusive design, this combination is perfect for you. Such a bouquet will look great on bed linens, tablecloths, napkins, clothes and accessories. Pansies with daisies look original in the pictures and curtains, both in the restaurant and on the summer terrace. Your guests will be delighted.
Feel yourself the creator of a frenetic beauty, the most famous fashion couturier, a great designer, embroidering our Beautiful Pansies Machine embroidery design.
For embroidery of this pansy machine embroidery pattern, we recommend using such shades for embroidering the petals of the Pansy flower (on the Madeira Classic palette) like: 1311 Mystic Lavender, 1198 Moonstone, and 1111 Evening Mist. Thus, you will get a gentle purple flower. You can also create your own variation of this design simply by changing the color of Pansies. For example, using such shades as 1030 Light Periwinkle, 1242 Dark Denim, 1467 Pea Coat you will get a bright blue flower. In the same way, you can embroider white, pink or yellow Pansies. It is enough just to find the right thread color.
Note: Please note, all the shades that we present are only indicative and the final choice is yours.
We sincerely hope that you, already reading this post, have found the original application, and with pleasure with the using of our pansy machine embroidery pattern.
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Author: Ludmila Konovalova
My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.
Date: 16.06.2018