The Violet flowers machine embroidery design will draw attention of those who love these small fragrant florets. They are pleasant not only as a picturesque image, but also by their attractive colour. For their execution we recommend three shades of violet and two green colours. If you use Madeira thread, then try to choose the same or very close shades of the embroidery thread. It will help to create a live, convex and almost natural image. Violet, lavender and violet-blue will make the embroidery very attractive. The same way, two shades of green will help to recover leaves of the plant. The last stroke of the embroidery — yellow cores of the florets. This part of work can be brighter or lighter for choice. As a result of soft transitions of close shades, almost three-dimensional embroidery turns out. Thus, you should make 5 changes of threads.
Violet flowers machine embroidery design
Size: 90.7×80.9 mm (3.57×3.19 “), Stitches: 16294
Formats: .dst, .pec, .vip, .hus, .pes, .exp, dat, jef, .vp3, xxx
The Violet flowers machine embroidery design will perfectly look on house textiles. Especially effectively gentle violets look on a bottom edge of a product. It is their natural position when they blossom, creeping on the ground. Without rising highly over other flowers, violets, nevertheless, instantly attract a look. The same effect will certainly be with your embroidery. If you want to make a beautiful panel on curtains, you can combine this design with other flowers of our collection.
In this case it is better to place them on levels of their natural position, for example. As a result, you can “grow up” a real suspended flower bed on your window. Also, the embroidered violets will perfectly look on a tablecloth, a pillow, napkins, a towel. You can decorate clothes with them, as well: from a terry dressing gown to a blouse. Moreover, if this lovely flower is your favourite, you can complement your bag or hat with this refined embroidery.
Starting your work on the design for machine embroidery, prepare the necessary threads, materials and a tambour. The embroidery on fine fabrics will require a stabilizer. Don’t forget to fix fabric densely in a tambour. Otherwise, considering the high density of the embroidery, the fabric will be crumpled. But, observing all instructions for a machine embroidery, you will receive excellent results.
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Author: Ludmila Konovalova
My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.
Date: 27.05.2018