We offer different themes for machine embroidery. They all have their own charm. Snow Leopard embroidery design is a vivid example! Even centuries ago, people depicted animals in different ways. Different animals appeared in rock paintings, embroidery on clothes and household items. Usually the image of the beast is invested special meaning. This point remains unchanged. We offer you the machine embroidery design with this wonderful representative of the cat family. Its portrait will allow you to “rein” in the works of wildlife and to express what lies behind the “mask” of a cute kitty!
Snow leopard: worthy of the best embroidery.
The snow leopard has many names. It is also called a snow tiger, ounce. The facts are as follows: this is one of the most mystical and beautiful varieties of tigers. They live like hermits in an isolated environment, and their habits little known. The snow leopard has very beautiful and aristocratic exterior. These machine embroidery pictures only confirm this! Black or brown spots appear on thick fur with a yellow or grayish tinge. So the animal can hide in the rocky terrain, merging with the surrounding landscape.
Snow Leopard embroidery design: the beauty of wild Nature!
Formats: .dst, .jef, .pec, .vip, .hus, .pes, .exp, .sew, .dat, xxx, vp3
We can say that ounce is the real king of winter. His large paws like snowshoes, can easily overcome the distance, even at large drifts. Snow leopards are not afraid of cold weather or snowstorms, and Snow Leopard embroidery design is the personification of courage, steadfastness, willingness to follow your ideals and principles. Despite their name, ounces are more closely to the tiger’s family. Unlike their “brothers” from Africa, they live in colder places of our planet.
The most interesting facts about snow leopards.
When you read these interesting facts about snow leopards, I will want to buy our embroidery patterns for sewing machines with its portrait with a grin. However, the leopards do not only growl when they are angry. They often purr like domestic cats. Besides this kind of animals can jump up to 9 meters! Long leopards tail help them to keep the balance. Ounces have grey or green eyes while other representatives of the cat family have eyes with a yellowish tinge.
For all its beauty and special relationship to human (snow leopards almost never attack people) know a little about them. These animals are under the protection of the world. You can make your contribution by selecting this unique Snow Leopard embroidery design in 3 sizes for clothing, home textiles, accessories.
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Applique embroidery design Snow Leopard – 3 sizes

Author: Ludmila Konovalova
My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.
Date: 17.02.2018