Roses are red, violets are blue and… This little rhyme won’t help you if this Easter you want to make your home look not only pretty but also stylish. As specialists suggest, if you’re at loss about what theme to pick for Easter décor of your home, go for always-elegant white. With lilies of the valley being absolute stars of white efflorescence, your house will win on so many levels if you decide upon them as your ornamental line. Blessed with a scent like no other, lilies of the valley can evoke its graceful aroma in any of their decorative incarnation. Take advantage of such wonderful flower-power with Easter Floral Wreath Embroidery Design. This cheerful and utterly sophisticated motif will make your home feel like it’s enveloped in delicate aroma of the blooms. And what can be better for Easter than this?
Decoration for Easter starts with the front door. Don’t break the tradition and let your front door wreath don a bit of Easter floral wreath charm. With a framed art-piece with your monogram or favorite verse number in its center, lilies-of-the-valley Easter floral wreath will grace up your door charmingly!
Whether you uphold true meaning of Easter or just celebrate a new blooming season, Easter floral wreath embroidery design is what you need. Blending perfectly in any interior, lilies of the valley magically uplift ambience of any room they appear it. Eye catching, exquisite and chic, lily-of-the-valley motives are perfect for Easter décor, and not only in dining-rooms. Bathrooms and bedrooms will gladly borrow some of the charm of the fragrant gems. As the pattern’s available in two sizes, do showcase both in a set of smartly adorned linens. Embroidered with a refined floral frame towels or pillowcases will make sensational addition to the festive décor of the rooms.
Easter floral wreath Embroidery Design
Size: 108.4×118.5 mm (4.27×4.67 “), Stitches: 13224
Size: 128.4×140.4 mm (5.06×5.53 “), Stitches: 15266
Formats: .pes, .pec, .hus, .vip, .dst, .exp, .sew, .dat, .vp3, xxx, dat, tab
Just like aromatic flowers are welcome anywhere in the house, so does this lovely embroidery pattern. Fill every room with springtime spirit just by infusing a cheerful, yet oh-so-very fine lily of the valley tones. Envelope your Easter table in enchanting delicateness of springtime flowers with Easter floral wreath Embroidery Design. Perfect for hosting letterings, initials, monograms and dates, this lilies-of-the-valley egg-shaped wreath will make your table look stunningly stylish and spruce.
Entertaining experts made lilies of the valley their favorite for good reason. With a regal but ever-so delicate aura about them, these wonderful flowers are a sure ticket to utmost perfection. Treat your guests to an Easter brunch feet for royalties with lily-of-the-valley adorned tablescape. Personalized napkins with Easter floral wreath embroidery design will make refined addition to a festive table setting. Show your care by putting each guest’s monogram within the embroidery pattern. Such beauties instead of the usual place cards will look lovely. Doubling as great party favors, such smart napkins will surely make a great hit with your guests.
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Author: Ludmila Konovalova
My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.
Date: 03.02.2018