As soon as Beautiful dandelions appear in the grass, you know that summer is fast approaching. On the background of the young greens their vivid yellow blossoms resemble a scattering of fairy lights. They shine brighter than the sun, till the time comes to release the seeds. Then a field of dandelions magically transforms into a shimmering sea covered with white foam. The seeds scatter in all directions, from the slightest breath of wind, enveloping everything around in a light haze.
This plant looks in real life just as shown in the machine embroidery design Beautiful dandelions. Some heads have finished blooming and are willing to let the seeds fly away, others only reveal yellow petals. They say you could set your clock by these flowers. Around six in the morning, the buds unfold under the gentle morning sun, and by three P.M. they close again. In addition, they can predict the weather. On cloudy days the plant does not bloom, sheltering the precious pollen from excessive moisture. So if you see that dandelions have hidden all of the florets, prepare the umbrella.
Machine Embroidery Design Beautiful dandelions – 2 sizes
Size: 195.6×198.0 mm (7.70×7.80 “), Stitches: 40121
Size: 177.0×179.3 mm (6.97×7.06 “), Stitches: 35285
Formats: .pes, .pec, .hus, .vip, .dst, .exp, .sew, .dat, .vp3, jef, xxx
How do you imagine a dandelion? Perhaps a yellow flower or a translucent ball? Both options seem quite familiar, but there are other kinds too. So, you can find purple blossoms on the Caucasus, and pinkish on the slopes of The Tian Shan range. Among rare species there are a few more, which grow in Eastern Eurasia, China and Japan. They have amazing white petals with an amber center.
Dandelions are common and grow in many parts of the world. Somewhere they exist only in the wild, and in some countries people cultivate them for food. All parts of the plant are edible, so they may be added to various dishes both raw and after heat treatment. The Americans show particular respect for the dandelions, as these modest florets once helped settlers from the Old World to survive. One of the Ohio State’s traditions is the dandelion festival, which takes place annually on the first Saturday of May. The celebration is accompanied by a huge amount of yellow-orange flowers that adorn city streets and costumes.
Beautiful dandelions from Royal Present Embroidery will be a wonderful embellishment for clothing and home textiles. These simple but very pretty flowers will help to create the atmosphere of summer ease, and will also make you closer to nature. Unsophisticated beauty and natural charm of dandelions can win the hearts at first sight.
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Machine Embroidery Design Dandelions

Author: Ludmila Konovalova
My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.
Date: 11.05.2017