Gorgeous, regal, mesmerizingly beautiful… Adjectives, used for peacocks’ descriptions imbue admiration and reverence, just like the guise of the bird. A vision of such grace, couldn’t escape our artistic attention too. What with the colours, shapes and textures that embroidery borrows from nature’s gems, peacocks give most abundant inspirational ideas for thread-and-needle decorative creations.
Royal Present Embroidery is known for one of the most magnificent peacock embroidery designs available on-line. What with the colourful vibrancy of layouts and compositions, our peacock patterns stand proudly up to the regal names both of the bird and the site. Our “feathered” collection is updated on regular basis, introducing newer and more dazzling designs with each installment.
One of the freshest entrances to the already impressive assemblage bears the name of Machine Embroidery Design Royal Peacock. Spectacular in all of its virtues, this peacock design will make even the most demanding embroiderers smile with joy during the work.
Machine Embroidery Design Royal Peacock
One of the first things that one notices about the pattern is its magnificent color palette. What with the lusciously deep hues of the rayon threads, enriched by the glittering opulence of Sulky metallic threads – a scheme like this is a gem on its own. However, what makes the pattern even more electrifyingly chic is the variety of stitching techniques employed in its frame.
With Machine Embroidery Design Royal Peacock, the issue of natural richness of textures gets its proper and utterly exquisite coverage. You can work this peacock design in colorful rainbow of rayon, polyester and metallic threads for extra opulent flair. Otherwise, if you look for a more delicate impact, a monochromatic take on this royal peacock will still make a fantastic impression.
Pay homage to the noble grace of this feathery pattern, embroidering it on items which are to imbue regal style. Basic sets of bed linens, adorned by royal peacock embroidery will turn into luxurious attributes, fit for a king. Sleep wear, be it pajamas or delicate kimono, can also be marvelously adorned by royal peacock design. Take a leading cue of the rectangular shape of the pattern and work it on pockets or near the leg-opening edge.
And now a message for those who have a crafty-side tuned to their embroidery skills. You, guys, are in advantage, for you can make most magnificent masterpieces with the help of machine embroidery design royal peacock. Anything from embroidered accents for wedding albums, elegant favor bags or even embroidered with royal peacocks candles… The list of decorative applications can run on and on without end. Just download it and start creating; your imagination will fly as free as the royal bird itself!
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Author: Ludmila Konovalova
My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.
Date: 12.03.2017