Peonies, magnificent blooms, were once thought to be creations of Selene. The moon goddess, which deemed that only those gorgeous petals were worthy of reflecting her unique silver beauty. Enchanting trail of the flower through the legendary history reveals beautiful stories of elfin fairies. Even ensorcelled emperors, dwelling within the luscious efflorescence, praising the beauty they were surrounded by.
Machine Embroidery Design Teacup Peonies presents these exquisite flowers in the most charming polish of a lovely azure teacup set. This frame was blessed both by the sky, which gave it its delicate sapphire color. The sun, which kissed the porcelain set with its precious golden beams. Unique opulence of the bouquet is so intense that a fragrant illusion transcends the fabric and permeates the aura around the image. Fascinating floral composition includes fiery scarlet, luscious fuchsia and even rare ivory peonies. Violet lilies lurk in the background, leaving the true kings to wear the central crown. Emerald whimsical leaves and fronds, soldered with red berries, applaud the marvelous ensemble.
Machine Embroidery Design Teacup Peonies
Floral interior accessories featuring such an elegant design would look marvelous on walls of living rooms. In bedrooms these flowers would make a lovely embellishment for decorative pillows of the bed or boudoir armchairs, bringing a charming romantic note into the aura of the room. Kitchen would look absolutely ravishing, if its soft decorative and functional accessories were bedecked with these gorgeous flowers. This beautiful flowery motive could be articulated into a glorious curtain tieback or a clip. A bouquet of stunning blossoms would certainly uplift the mood.
A collection of floral designs, including graceful poppies, stunning hydrangeas and aristocratic anemones, all framed as an elaborate art piece ensemble, could be a wonderful gift idea for Mother’s day. Machine Embroidery Design Teacup Peonies would be beautiful appreciation gift for teachers on the last day of a school year, or for your colleagues, on their retirement parties.
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Author: Ludmila Konovalova
My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.
Date: 14.12.2016