Kalocsa, traditional Hungarian embroidery, sings an enchanting ode to flowers of all kinds, both real and fantastic. This marvelous way of floral themes depiction graces little nature’s gems with unique whimsical loveliness, which has been charming people for ages. Romantic legends praise the beauty of the embroidery endowing it with almost magical powers: it goes that Kalosca saved one girl’s truelove, when she presented “an apron full of flowers” to a sultan who captured her fiancé.
Machine Embroidery Design Kalocsa motif is a delightful floral wreath, infused with aroma of romantic fairy tales and freshness of blooming nature. It is a delicate ethereal open-work, which is lavished with a wonderful assortment of springtime jewels. Among the floral abundance there are familiar outlines of humble wildflowers, which warm our hearts with their agreeable tenderness. Luscious cultivated blossoms, which stun our mind with opulence of their forms and raiment. One might glimpse fantastic oriental roses and exotic palmettes dancing with gorgeous noble dahlias. Simple daisies pop up in between the rest of the multiflorous grandeur to cheer up the whole look of the wreath and make it seem more airy and light.
Machine Embroidery Design Kalocsa motif
Size: 149.2×149.2 mm (5.87×5.87 “), Stitches: 20273
Size: 129.6×129.6 mm (5.10×5.10 “), Stitches: 18048Formats: pes, .pec, .hus, .vip, .dst, .exp, .sew, .dat, .vp3, .jef, xxx
Elegant efflorescence of the design is highlighted by the use of a single hue. Play with the color will yield wonderful results, providing extra character with each new variation. Colors which only slightly differ from the fabric will create an exquisite lace effect. This case will suit perfectly for embellishment of traditional holidays’ decorations. Napkins with such fair floral motive would ennoble baptisms’ receptions or any other grand meals. Textile pieces with this ethereal embroidery on could become wonderful gifts for weddings, anniversaries and other formal occasions.
White or silver colored floral wreath with initials of the future Mr. and Mrs. could bedeck gloriously a decorative cushion for wedding rings. Such an adorable accessory would suit weddings with floral themes. Contrast in color of the design and the fabric itself will add impressive bright liveliness to the piece. Easter doilies and napkins would look ravishing with such florid wreaths on them.
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Author: Ludmila Konovalova
My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.
Date: 04.12.2016