Machine Embroidery Design Cute Christmas Owls and bird

CUTE CHRISTMAS OWLS AND BIRD will gladly adorn your house for Christmas and the New Year. This sweet winter design is as suitable for interior embroidery as for decorating children’s and adult festive clothing. Lovely dressed up birds will create wonderful mood and will be met with big smiles in any company.

What miracles do not happen for Christmas, therefore the birds in bright costumes are peacefully located on each other forming a true pyramid. In real life it is unlikely that even one owl would let another bird to sit on its head, and they don’t get along with winged kin anyway.

Owls are mysterious, even enigmatic, they have peculiar habits and different from other birds behavior. Since ancient times they have been the embodiment of wisdom, once appeared in the company of the Greek goddess Athena. The image of the wise goddess of war, with an owl on her shoulder is typical.

Machine Embroidery Design Cute Christmas Owls and bird


Formats: .dst, .pec, .vip, .hus, .pes, .exp, dat, jef, .vp3, .tab, xxx

One of the most common myths about owls is that they have remarkable eyesight and can see brilliantly in the dark. In fact, their vision is quite ordinary, besides it is black and white. Impressive big eyes of the bird can look just forward, but there helps out an unusual neck, which allows 270 degrees head rotating. However in the dark owls don’t see well enough and during night hunting rely more on their extraordinary hearing. In all positions they accurately determine the source of the noise and its location. What is more the range of frequencies at which they can detect sounds is much wider than human’s.

As for the sound, not all owls “whoop”. Some make whistling sounds, some cry like sea birds. Most owls are terse and use a loud scream just to frighten hiding in the grass animals that they intend to catch. Representatives of this species fly almost silently, what makes them excellent hunters.

Such interesting birds often become heroes of legends and tales. Take, for example, the intelligent owl of Winnie the Pooh story or snowy-white faithful companion of young wizard Harry Potter. Due to their nonaggressive appearance, these birds seem to be good creatures and wise advisers.

Machine embroidery design CUTE CHRISTMAS OWLS AND BIRD will look perfect on fabric of any color and density. For convenience, it is available in two sizes and a large variety of formats.

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Author: Ludmila Konovalova

My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.

Date: 22.09.2016