Nature is one of the most faithful means for calming the soul and filling it with pure and bright emotions. We just need to contemplate its phenomena in order to feel better. The water surface or leaves that stir from the whiff of the wind, the clear blue sky or the butterflies fluttering in the garden – all this helps us to find pacification.
Unfortunately, in the fast pace of modern life, we do not always manage to find time and opportunity for admiring nature. What to do in such cases? The answer is extremely simple – add to your interior elements some notes of mother nature gifts.
You can buy ready-made paintings, figurines or independently create something unique. For the latter option, you do not need to be a master in some craft. It is enough to have the desire to discover your creativity and just choose the machine embroidery.
Machine Embroidery Design Butterfly branch
Formats: .pes, .pec, .hus, .vip, .dst, .exp, .sew, .dat, .vp3, xxx, jef, xxx
For example, if you have always been fascinated by flowers and bright butterflies, which so often fly around the flowers, then you will certainly like the Machine Embroidery Design Butterfly branch. This composition looks very fresh and inspiring, it combines the tenderness and liveliness of nature.
Such embroidery will please a person with a sense of taste, which is able to appreciate such a nice design. Charming yellow flowers intertwine and form a garden that attracts bright and free butterflies. Is such a picture can leave someone indifferent? By accidentally throwing a glance at it, we immediately feel its effect. We are surrounded by peaceful tranquility and even some bliss. Create an atmosphere of coziness in this way, which will have the most emotional conversations, using the Machine Embroidery Design Butterfly branch.
Add this image to the usual everyday objects to breathe new life into them. Let the simple bedding be filled with freshness and warm charm. Let the tablecloth and napkins find a new bright appearance. Let the ordinary towels in the bathroom become like a real work of art. To achieve this effect is extremely easy due to this embroidery.
In addition, in this pattern also hides a special symbolism. Flower lovers know that these yellow plants are considered a wish for well-being, joy, wealth and sunny days. Butterflies, which are present in this design, also contain a very good value. These insects at all times were a symbol of the soul, immortality and rebirth.
Thus, this design combines everything that is necessary for a person who is striving to create a favorable atmosphere around himself. A pattern with flowers and butterflies will be an excellent decoration of your house, which can attract the best qualities to you.
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Author: Ludmila Konovalova
My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.
Date: 27.06.2016