This gentle Free Machine Embroidery Design Lilies and butterflies will recover even the most usual things. Soft inflorescences of Lilia and bright butterflies will fill environment with spring notes. This fresh breath of spring and summer can lighten the mood in winter and gracefully add to summer landscapes. Such picture will refresh bed linen, towels, cloths and curtains. The Free Machine Embroidery Design Lilies and butterflies isn’t less attractive on clothes of adults and children. High class hotels can also accept this drawing for textile’s decoration in rooms.
Lilies and butterflies are full of symbolism and, in addition to a beautiful embroidery, you receive also an energy source. Traditionally, lilies worked as a charm. They were carried on clothes or decorated the house. People believed that ghosts and evil spirits couldn’t trouble the house surrounded with lilies. Since ancient times Slavs embroidered pink lilies on an underwear linen. It was the charm which protected from diseases and strengthened health.
Free Machine Embroidery Design Lilies and butterflies
Size: 190.0×149.0 mm (7.48×5.87 “), Stitches: 29610
Size: 118.0×150.0 mm (4.65×5.91 “), Stitches: 18707
Formats: .dst, .jef, .pec, .vip, .hus, .pes, .exp, .sew, .dat, .vp3, art
The European aristocrats sent to their brides bouquets with lilies on the eve of the wedding. Color of lilies, also matters according to Feng Shui theory. White lilies symbolize innocence, purity, nobility. Yellow lilies are given by the one who wants to draw attention to himself. Tiger lilies symbolize prosperity and abundance. If you place a lily’s image in the southwest part of your house, it will attract love. As stated in Feng Shui, this part in the house is responsible for love.
In its turn, the butterfly is a symbol of revival, spring and soul. Its beauty has found reflection in legends and religions of different people. Ability to transformation has made it a symbol of the Great Goddess, who brings changes to life and the rest to the soul. The butterfly of our design is red. This color strengthens the influence of the insect on emotionality and life. Red is a color which warms and radiates heat. It is necessary, but without surplus, in clothes and in interiors. If you want to have other impact on people, you can change the color of butterflies or lilies.
As a result, the Free Machine Embroidery Design Lilies and butterflies will decorate the house and clothes and express your feelings. The offered 2 sizes (19х14,9 and 11,8 x 15 cm) will allow to place it correctly and beautifully on the chosen object.
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Author: Ludmila Konovalova
My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.
Date: 28.02.2016