Cupids Silhouettes Machine Embroidery Designs make a perfect choice for such occasions as a love story, wedding, childbirth.
Nowadays popular culture claims Cupid to embody the symbol of romantic love. Cupids with their bows and arrows make ideal symbols of falling in love. One never knows where it comes from and how hard will it hit him or her. His wings represent that hearts in love are flighty, lovers easily change their minds.
This symbolism definitely makes it suitable to embellish likewise a set of bed linen for making an unforgettable wedding present. Childbirth, as the child comes as a result of cupid’s work to get his parents together, can also be considered a good reason to choose the design for adorning blankets, cushions, plaids for child room and outsides.
Cupids Silhouettes Machine Embroidery Designs will also be a reasonable choice if your project is due to St. Valentine’s Day.
Cupids Silhouettes Machine Embroidery Designs
Size: 60.2×64.4 mm (2.37×2.54 “), Stitches: 4262
Size: 59.6×61.0 mm (2.35×2.40 “), Stitches: 4291
Formats: .dst, .jef, .pec, .vip, .hus, .pes, .exp, .sew, .dat, art
In Roman mythology, Cupid is commonly introduced as the son of Venus and Mars, the love affair of them depicting an allegory of Love and War. Thus, he resembles both his father, using an armor to aim it at the people, and his mother, hence his actions cause love, not death. His boyish look reminds that love is illogical. Still, Cupid was generally identified as a good spirit, bringing love and happiness to mankind and gods, regardless of the origin of those he aimed to beneficiate.
Though, it has to be mentioned that, from time to time, his matchmaking could cause mischief, always because of Venus’ desire to punish someone. Cupid remained a character in the Middle Ages, though under the influence of Christianity he obtained a dual nature as representing Earthly and Heavenly love. So, he obtained two kinds of arrows too, to cause an easy to forget sentiment and a deep life lasting feeling.
The Cupids Silhouettes Machine Embroidery Designs will look well on thick material embroidered with suitable threads as well as on more delicate ones. It is also a good idea to choose different colors or shades of colors for your work. Golden silhouettes will emphasize the richness of deep dark colors as well as the brightness of white. Silver Cupids look delicate and appealing on pastel fabrics. The design is presented in two sizes for the convenience of choosing the right one for your project.
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Author: Ludmila Konovalova
My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.
Date: 20.01.2016