Free Machine Embroidery Design Flower bouquet is going to be loved by fans of uncommon and at the same time universal solutions. This design is made in a peculiar style, and is especially interesting because depending on the chosen color scheme it will look completely different.
Use vibrant, saturated shades of crimson, green and blue, and the motif will resemble illustrations in books about charming fairy princes and beautiful princesses. This is a great idea for decorating textiles in kid’s room, as children really like colorful, bright pictures. Simple lines of the pattern will be understandable for little ones, who may even want to repeat them on paper and please their parents with a nice drawing.
FLOWER BOUQUET will look utterly changed, if you choose muted tones of natural colors and add some gold. This palette is always elegant and expensive-looking, and our floral ornament in such a version will become doubly attractive. It will resemble a medieval tapestry, which once draped the stone walls of castles. In those days large halls and rooms with high ceilings were heated only by fireplaces. But it wasn’t enough to heat up the frozen walls. Tapestries served as protection from cold and damp, and were also a fashionable interior decoration.
Free Machine Embroidery Design Flower bouquet
Size: 126.0×120.0 mm (4.96×4.72 “), Stitches: 44208
Formats: .dst, .jef, .pec, .vip, .hus, .pes, .sew, .exp, .dat, vp3
Tapestry is a rarity today, but varieties of «old-timey» decor are found quite frequently. Heavy drapes on the wall may be successfully replaced with a woven picture. Which can be purchased, or made by yourself using the Free Machine Embroidery Design Flower bouquet. Just imagine how beautiful and unusual this pattern will look, if you pick the right style frame. Also it will be good on thick fabrics of decorative pillows or furniture covers. Giving the interior of your home the old world charm.
Whatever color solution you take, wonderful FLOWER BOUQUET will definitely be the center of attention. It’s impossible to lose sight of such delightful decor, is it? Moreover, it is not difficult to perform, because all the machine embroidery designs from Royal Present Embroidery are digitized accurately to work with them comfortably.
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Author: Ludmila Konovalova
My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.
Date: 27.09.2015