Bright vivid colours of Machine embroidery design Tattoo Koi fish captures the sight right away. The golden scales of the fish represent well-being and thriving business. Underwater flowers and splashes emphasize the gold of the koi and make it look lively in its natural environment.
Keeping koi is rather popular in Japan for the last centuries. The word “koi” in Japanese means “carp” and sounds exactly as the other word meaning “affection” or “love”. Therefore, koi are perceived as symbols of dedication, care and amity in Japan. After few centuries of keeping the carps in ponds for food, some of them started to have colourfull scales. And people, rapt by such a beautiful sight, made keeping colourful carps a pleasurable hobby.
The tradition spread worldwide after the Tokyo Exhibition in 1914. Koi are wonderful pets, as they are pleasant to look at and it isn’t difficult to keep them. The fish can live in outside pond for the whole year round if the winter is mild. Koi grow up to three feet in length if kept in appropriate ponds or aquariums. Besides, koi can learn how to ask for a treat. They live rather a long life. The famous scarlet koi Hanako by name was proved to be 225 years when died.
Machine Embroidery Design Tattoo Koi Fish
Asian art meets tattoo styling in this intricate koi design.
Formats: .dst, .jef, .pec, .vip, .hus, .pes, .exp, .sew, .dat, .vp3, xxx
Living Koi fish in the household alongside with koi fish embroidery designs represent determination and persistence; success, wealth and good fortunes. According to the colouration, koi symbolize different things: gold koi — fortune and flourishing; metallic koi — successful business; blue koi — utter calmness; koi of blue, red, and grey — positive attitude; black koi — overcoming adversity. Koi fish embroidery designs are often used instead of living creatures to render these symbols.
Incredibly well Machine embroidery design Tattoo Koi fish looks on denim. Whatever you choose to do: embellish your favourite pair of jeans, create an outstanding denim dress or make a comfortable bag, the design adds an eye-catching effect to the thing. Bright colours especially pop against a dark indigo background. Before starting the project, it is necessary to define what kind of denim fabric you are dealing with. Denim is mostly a cotton cloth. Though blends with spandex or lycra are produced with the aim to make it stretch. A different type of stabilizer is used in that case.
Seven things to take into consideration when applying koi fish embroidery design on denim:
1. The first thing to do is washing the cloth, as the fabric will definitely shrink after it.
2. Don’t iron the fabric, use a press to straighten it.
3. Denim is wonderful for embroidering, as it is thick enough, not too dense, so it is enough to use tear away stabilizer. If you are embroidering on a dense fabric with a heavy stabilizer, then the embroidery will be cumbersome, the machine and the needle will receive an excessive strain.
4. If the fabric stretches, better to use cutaway medium stabilizer and temporary adhesive spray or adhesive stabilizer. Otherwise, the embroidery will shift and the fabric properties around the embroidery will change unevenly.
5. If it turns out there are difficulties with hooping, then hoop the stabilizer and adjust the cloth to it by pins or stitches. Usage of adhesive stabilizer gives good results too.
6. As denim is worn and washed a lot, threads have to be able to endure all of it without fading. And it would be good to reduce the density of embroidery by choosing a thinner lower thread. The upper thread may be of polyester (by no means sewing — only embroidery).
7. The needle has to be sharp or use the special denim needle. For example, embroider the koi design with 80/12 Sharp or Denim needle.
There are four sizes of the design for the convenience of usage. Machine embroidery design Tattoo Koi fish enlightens the items with bright colors. Your project will attain originality and symbolism.
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Author: Ludmila Konovalova
My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.
Date: 20.07.2015