Poppies are an unfading subject of designers who create and develop clothes and interiors. This bright flower is always in fashion. Its bright colours are capable to recover and renew a lot of things.
We, also, repeatedly addressed an inexhaustible subject of poppies and it is always in demand. The machine embroidery Poppy is one more sample of this flower of the necessary to you size. The exact imitation of a hand embroidery smooth surface make this pattern especially attractive. Moreover, only 7 colours of thread give the chance even to a beginner to cope with work without effort.
Such beautiful Machine Embroidery Design Poppy can decorate many things which you wear or you use at home.
Its bright color and delicate work will distract attention from those flaws which you want to hide. Therefore, it is the best to locate this red flower on the spot which you want to emphasize favourably. Some women will surely place it on their breast or a shoulder (it isn’t difficult to guess why). It will please others on a border of a dress or skirt. Of course, it is done by those who have beautiful legs. Maybe, there will be those who put it on a sleeve bottom to draw attention to their distinguished hands. If you have a beautiful flat belly, the place of this poppy is on your waist or an embroidered belt. Poppies on a hat or scarf will draw attention to your face and favourably add it fresh colour.
Machine Embroidery Design Poppy
Hoop size 110×126 mm (4.3×5″),
Formats: .dst, .jef, .pec, .vip, .hus, .pes, .exp, .sew, .dat, .vp3, art
Similarly, the machine embroidery design Poppy will also help to hide shortcomings of an interior. Bright flowers on a table cloth will distract attention from your overdue repair or worn-out furniture. Poppies don’t apply for elitism, therefore, will be appropriate in any environment. Even simple kitchen ware on the background of a table cloth with embroidered poppies will look perfectly. Moreover, curtains with the poppy field won’t discord in the most modest housing.
On the other hand, poppy add contrast and colour to the most refined design. Its bright color since ancient times inspired artists. The images of this flower can be seen in many pictures of great masters. In the Netherlands’ painting poppy is represented as a magic curative plant and as a symbol of “philosophers’ stone” origin. Thus, since then red poppy became not only a beautiful, but also a significant decoration of rooms.
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Author: Ludmila Konovalova
My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.
Date: 31.05.2015