It goes without saying that flowers bring elegance to any interior the moment they appear. And, among all efflorescence available to decorators, roses stand on a special pedestal. Roses have a grace which can enrich any environs, be it small cottages or stately mansions. Of course nothing can compare to fresh roses per se. In the absence of those, however, there’re always floral accents of other kinds.
Textile with rose patterns, embellishments and decors, for once, is a great way to bring floral charm in any interior. And here, in Royal Present Embroidery, we know how to make textiles “bloom”. Single and in a bouquet, eye-catching and delicate, natural and stylized – all types of roses grow in our embroidery garden. And if garden roses are your favorite type, then you’re in luck. Not one but 3 Machine Embroidery Designs Beautiful Roses Eglantine has blossomed and are ready to be picked up.
Machine Embroidery Designs Beautiful Roses Eglantine
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Refreshing and utterly sweet, this garden variety will travel you to good old English country side. Give them a chance to sprout on decorative textiles or a set of throw pillows in your living room. Roses Eglantine will add a cozy, yet elegant vintage vibe to the place where your family spend most their time. Enjoy natural beauties without the spikes!
Thinking of how to add some “sensibility” into the pure functional “sense” of your kitchen? Why not use some aromatic charm of flowers from classic English gardens. Roses Eglantine, blooming abundantly on window drapes and table covers will recreate the naturalistic look of your dreams.
Besides kitchens and living rooms, Machine embroidery designs Roses Eglantine will make great addition to other rooms as well. Their delicate dreamy flair is easy-going and sweet – perfect for upping finesse in any interior style.
Adorable Machine Embroidery Designs Beautiful Roses Eglantine can go a long way in creation of beautiful tablescape for special occasions. Arrange few mason jars, filled with greenery from garden bushes, on a runner, embroidered with roses Eglantine. Such aromatic scene looks both charming and stylish. Try to avoid perfect pattern when placing the motives throughout the textile. Casual elegance suits this garden variety much better than any deliberate order. If you prefer spruce symmetry in everything, try “planting” a border along the hems of your table-cover. Beautiful Roses Eglantine will add refinement to any table, festive or not.
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Author: Ludmila Konovalova
My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.
Date: 24.05.2015