At first glance, Acorns is one of the most common patterns for the decoration of table textiles. Still, such machine embroidery designs bring atmosphere of comfort, tranquility and harmony into the house. Moreover, this motif is not as simple as it seems. Since long ago the acorn has acted as a symbol of wellbeing, stability and strong health. That’s the reason why there is no need to abandon time-proven ideas for decor.
In areas where oaks grew from the time immemorial, people perceived the acorn not only as a fruit or seed. In the old days, each of nature’s creations had a hidden meaning. Such a powerful tree as the oak was the embodiment of strength and longevity. Its fruits were a continuation of their mighty parent, therefore, had similar value. There was even a belief that a couple of acorns in the pocket might help to preserve health and endurance. They served as a talisman against evils and misfortunes.
Free Machine Embroidery Design Acorns
Size: 54.0×36.0 mm (2.13×1.42 “), Stitches: 2892
Formats: .dst, .jef, .pec, .vip, .hus, .pes, .exp, .sew, .dat, .vp3, xxx
In many cultures of the temperate and northern latitudes the symbolism of the acorn is connected with the life energy. Oak is not just a plant, it is the tree of life, a magic source of strength. In Scandinavian countries, fruits of the oak were a symbol of Thor, God of thunder. Among the Slavs the oak and acorn were associated with Perun – God of thunder and lightning. Even the ancient Romans dedicated the acorns to the father of the gods Jupiter, calling them “Jupiter fruits”. In later times noble families pictured them on their coats of arms. It was a sign of dignity, prosperity and immortality of the kin.
Don’t neglect the ancient wisdom – acorns may become a helpful talisman for your house too. However, for urban residents getting them is not so easy. To find a good fruit of the oak, wait for the autumn first. Then go into the forest or, at least, a remote area of a city park. Agree, it’s much easier to use a little trick and decorate home textiles with Free Machine Embroidery Design Acorns. What is nice, you can download it for free on the Royal Present Embroidery website.
Free Machine Embroidery Design Acorns look great on textile sets for kitchen and dining room. You can embroider Acorns in the corner of a serving napkin and repeat it along the edge of a tablecloth. This small motif is convenient because you can position it at any angle, creating different compositions with just one design. It also has companions by which you may easily make the decor more variable.
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Author: Ludmila Konovalova
My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.
Date: 24.01.2015