One of the most widespread elements in embroidery is considered a flower. Its variations can be seen on the most ancient pictures and embroideries. It symbolizes the beauty and the feminine beginning. In addition, every flower has its meaning and symbolism. In addition, a language of flowers existed from ancient times. Every color and its shade, every flower arrangement can tell us about feelings of the one who presents it. Consequently, a flower can carry information about relations and the mood of the person.
A picture looks convex and depicts the general shapes of a flower. Leaves’ form is also a collective character of the ones. They give beauty, completeness and gentle framing to the whole floral pattern. Buds, harmoniously intertwined in the background of the pattern, will attract the attention of people seeking a fame.
Besides the colors underline the symbolism of this floral design. Green with its shades is a sedative color. It symbolizes peace, relaxation, harmony. On the contrary, yellow and pink colors demonstrate joy and kindness.
As a result, the whole Free Machine Embroidery Design Flower creates mood for the one who produces it and the work’s possessor. It seems that it shines from within. Its soft forms with light asymmetry create harmonious and unique image. There is much light, tenderness and symbolism in it.
Free Machine Embroidery Design Flower
The picture’s size is 99×103 mm. A machine makes 6200 stitches to create this pattern. Some effort from your side and you become the possessor of this wonderful design:
Read the description of the design.
Imagine it on your things.
Get the necessary format and load it in your machine device.
Turn start button and wait until the work is completed.
Admire the job you have done.
Send us the photo of your composition.
This Free Machine Embroidery Design Flower can become a separate detail on woman’s clothing or a pattern’s part of repetitive elements. A flower demonstrates your taste and talent to embroid and read flower’s language. Symbols of this design will not leave your work without attention.
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Free Machine Embroidery Design Flowers

Author: Ludmila Konovalova
My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.
Date: 31.03.2014