What is this marvelous feeling called love? Is it just the physical attraction of one person to another or is it that of souls, which find each other finally after so many lives being apart? There is a legend advocating the latter. According to it, once men and women lived in a happy and harmonious union, sharing one heart for each couple. Crooked gods however, seeing such happiness, became jealous and separated them, splitting each heart into two pieces.
They spread the half-hearted people all over the world to make sure they never find their match. However, love stood in the way of such unfairness. Two halves could feel each other even from the longest of distances, inevitably drawing closer and closer, until finally uniting forever. It is not only luck or serendipity that is required for the match made on heavens to actually happen on our earth. You have to align yourself with love. Surround yourself, your mind and heart with the feeling of being loved, with romance and all the aspects of this wonderful emotion and the magic will happen sooner than you think.
Cross-stitch Machine Embroidery Designs Love is a beautiful symbolic ode to love, which, if used correctly, could decorate your life with magnificent colors of love. The design combines millennia worth of wisdom of Chinese people, inscribed in intricate elaboration of hieroglyphic symbolism, legends and myths of the ancient culture of the land.
Cross-stitch Machine Embroidery Designs LOVE
Hoop 130×180 mm ≈5.1 x 7 inches
Formats: .dst, .jef, .pec, .vip, .hus, .pes, .exp, .sew, .dat
According to Feng Shui, the energy, hidden in the symbols, reveals itself if put in the right areas of your personal space. A bifold use of all the symbols is preferable. The love thrives in symmetry, multiplied infinitely just like in mirror reflection. If you want to attract love in your life. Make Cross-stitch Machine Embroidery Designs Love a decorative accessory of your bedroom. Two throw pillows or a two-piece wall accent above your bed with this embroidery on will make an elegant Feng Shui cure for love attraction.
All of the elements of the embroidery design have a very distinct and purposeful meaning. Aiming at welcoming love in one’s life. The peony blossoms are traditionally called the flowers of weddings, prosperity and deep love. Peonies are said to have powers attract love and keep families strong and happy. Its energy is magnified by the “love” hieroglyph and the butterflies. They are beloved heroes of the famous Chinese “Romeo and Juliette” love legend. The knowledge of essence of these symbols will help to lit a light of love in your heart. The design itself, being in the direct milieu of yours, will help the light to grow.
Pour a little heart in the design; make few arrangements to the composition, keeping the main tone intact. You can position the butterflies or the angle-frame to your liking, creating your own, personal motive. Your soul, speaking through the motive will help you align better with the energy of the symbols.
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Author: Ludmila Konovalova
My name is Lyudmila Konovalova, and I lead Royal Present Embroidery. Embroidery for me is more than a profession; it is a legacy of my Ukrainian and Bulgarian heritage, where every woman in my family was a virtuoso in cross-stitch and smooth stitching. This art, passed down through generations, is part of my soul and a symbol of national pride.
Date: 28.03.2014